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Moxuns (Shanghai) Machinery Co.,LTD

tel:+86 175 1166 3238  

tel:+86 150 2661 9531

Office address:Room J, Building 4, Block B, No.925 Yecheng Road, Jiading Industrial Zone, Jiading District, Shanghai, China

Production address:No.5-1, Keda 5th Road, Balitai Taida (Jinnan) Microelectronics Industrial Zone, Jinnan District, Tianjin

Equipment inspection and standards

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Reference standard 

While Moxuns air compressors meet the standards set by the local government, Moxuns also has more stringent additional standards for unit engineering parameters and performance.


Electrical part: comply with NFPA70/79, IEC60204, GB5226-1 standard


Performance test and reference standard: ISO1217 Annex C; 1996


Electrical parts:  NFPA70/79, IEC60204, GB5226-1, ISO1217 Annex C;  1996


Noise test method: ISO2151:2004


Noise test methods : ISO2151:2004


Noise measurement standard: ISO9614-2:1996, noise level at workstation +3dB(A)


Noise test standard: ISO9614-2:1996, Noise level of workstation +3dB(A)


Pressure vessels (varies by region) :


ASME Pressure Vessel Code;  Section VIII, Division 1, "Non-combustible Pressure Vessels"


Standard 87/404/EC for simple pressure vessels or Directive 97/23/EC for non-simple pressure vessels


GB 150 (1998) Steel pressure vessels standard